Tuesday, 21 February 2012

question 5

  1. Who are the primary target audience now and has this changed? Who was it before and how do you know?

The users of facebook range form 13 year old to old people. Any person with access to internet can create their own profile on facebook or twitter . The differenece between twitter is that a lot of celebrities can be 'followed ' with their tweets and fans . However on Facebook its manily friends and family that we know and a couple of pages that we may like to associate with our lives for exapmle motor sport , fashion , music etc . Faceook also allows us to post pictures of recent events which we could nt do when using twitter . The primary audience were those who were bullied asstated by wikipedia , which is the main reason fro the creation of faceboook , however more people have become reliant on facebook to connect with family who live abroad and find it difficult to come to the UK to visit for personal reasons . ( eg war etc ) . The digital revolution theory works well here as the mass consumers are able to access information and be updated on their family as well as direct communication . Which was not possible unless you had MSN messenger or Yahoo . The use of skype in order to call family abroad meant that communication is faster and more accessible to us .


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